Welcome Fairies!

Brass Mattress Vents
When I was a little girl I always dreamed that there were little fairies, little people, or gnomes living around my house or yard. If there was a little crack somewhere I thought it was a doorway to where they lived.When playing outside I was always building little villages out of twigs and rocks, knowing that when I wasn't looking, and they knew it was safe, the little woodland creatures would come and play there...and if I am truly confessing my childhood fantasies (and oddities) I used to believe there were little people living in my mattress, and that the metal vents (I hope I am not the only one who remembers these) were speakers. I would talk into them, and then I would put my ear next to them hoping to catch a response. When I didn't get one, I just simply shrugged it off that they were not allowed to communicate with humans so they kept perfectly still and quiet so not to expose their secret world.
I also would lay in bed at night, and if I was positioned in such a way I could hear perfectly decorated miniature soldiers marching two by two in my brain ( I now know that it was my pulse) and they fought of germs to keep me healthy. Not sure if that falls into  "the voices in my head told me to do it" category, but it is definitely walking a fine line.
 So now you know about a fraction of the imagination I possess, and probably what contributed to my obsessive need for creative outlets (and the many, many, many projects I ask Tony to help me with). These memories lead me to my creation of the day. A fairy door that I painted on the tree that is just outside our garage. I can see it from by kitchen window and it makes me smile. I am passing my fantasy world to my little girl and I think that she loves the little people as much as I did. I still hold on to the hope that there are little creatures out there, and I have provided them a doorway to live in my yard. Use your imagination today...and become a kid again! Creativity rocks! Peace!

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